So many tools, so many sites to visit, too many things to learn, information overload.
Yet anything that comes without a 100+ page user manual, that you can download and use right out of the box, is great. Especially if it requires less mouse clicks than other aps.
Click here, Watch the video and enjoy!
I plugged in my headset, spoke through its mic, hit stop when done, clicked the button to save and share as embedded video, and the code was added to my clipboard. Opened new blog post, hit paste, and there it is.
Couldn’t be simpler!
Update: When I posted to blog, video was wider than the space on my blog, easy to fix, in the code (also known a gobblegook), I changed the width to 450. 🙁 Sadly I now only get a portion of the screen, even when I play, possibly even losing the click to play button. I can add the link, not the same as embedded video. I’ll play with this some, and if I come up with an easy solution, I’ll let you know.
My name is Alan, I work on the Jing Project and noticed your post here. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that we are aware of these complications, in regards to large videos being embedded into blogs. Unfortunately, the way we have our videos compressed isn’t very scaling friendly. If you were to scale the video down (changing the width or height) and the video actually scaled with it, we’ve found that it would have some visual artifacts inside the video that make the viewing experience pretty horrendous. So we’ve disabled scaling for the time being, until we have a better solution. I’m sorry for the complications.
We’re always looking into ways to make the experience better, for all our many users. I’m sorry that this particular usage is sub-par at the moment. For the time, I’d suggest linking to your videos, or even embedding a thumbnail and using that as your link, if you want to get snazzy. 🙂 But if the video is rather large, unfortunately there isn’t a good way to scale it down into the limited real-estate of a blog, at this time. Sorry. 🙁
If you ever have any suggestions, questions or ideas for Jing, please feel free to let us know. We always love to hear from people, as we’re continually working on making Jing better and better.
-Alan Dennis
User Experience Designer
Thanks Alan. I imagine scaling would be an issue. I do like how much sharp and clean video Jing creates, and so quickly.
I like the idea of embedding a thumbnail, can be used on any blog. Otherwise I can change the size of blog posts to match videos or move my sidebar to the left.
What is the best way to embed a thumbnail?
Thanks again!
well , jing is good for newbies. But still camtasia is way better then this jing .
Both are made by Tech Smith. Each has their own unique purpose.
Jing is 5 minutes or less. It is good for a short screencast on the fly. Ever have someone ask how to do something, and you wish they could see your screen? Easy to record quickly and IM, email or post the link.
Camtasia is so much more, but overkill and takes longer if all you need is a quick 2 minute screencast. Now a recorded class, demonstration, etc. a project that you take time to edit, then Camtasia is what you would need.
Excellent, Heidi! Thank you for sharing this info. I was wondering the other day if there was software available that would help me demonstrate tips and how-tos quickly and thoroughly. I’ve got a new project underway and BOTH of these programs could be just what I need for it.
Off to check them out….