Restoring System on My Laptop

Grrrrr! I hate it when computers act up. My new laptop has been doing that, hangs up in the browsers, no matter which one I choice. Accessing email and twitter became at times an impossibility. Since it was a new laptop, I called the company to find a fix. Their best option was to save my data and go back to the factory settings.

So I pulled out my external hard drive, backupped my documents, and restored the system.

It is a pain, but better than having things hang up and not run right. That is the easy part. Next is to find the programs I use and add them to my laptop. So I search and download each program and install. I forget how many programs I use. Getting smarter in my old age, I’m creating a list with their download links for future reference. Stay tuned and I’ll share.

One thought on “Restoring System on My Laptop

  1. This was happening to me all the time because I am a fan of 2nd generation hardware. Windows home server has been a saint for me and being able to backup computers to the way they were before they started acting up. External hard drive is also one of the best tools!

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