Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day Commitments

Earth Day! We should show respect for our planet every day, not just on Earth Day. But, this is a good time to consider our planet and the footprint we leave behind. Each small act makes a difference, we can each do something. Ways you can honor our planet:

  • Educate yourself. Sometimes what seems a simple solution, is not so simple. We have to look at the full impact of the steps we take.
    • WE Magazine for Women has a special issue out you don’t want to miss, and you’ll find plenty of green articles there.
    • Care2’s Healthy and Green Living Blog is full of tips and information of things you can do. And on their website I see over 40 videos with tips,, how to conserve water, and other helpful bits of information
    • Google, search blogs, read a book for more information. Keep in mind that some businesses, seeking to profit from our increased interest in healthy living, have provided us with much stuff we can buy, some are good and others not misleading.
  • Discuss with others, learn from each other. Each of us in unique, with our own view points, experiences. Share and brainstorm things we can do to help the environment.
  • Make commitments yourself. I posted my commitments on this Earth Day Card. You can see them above. Visit and post your own message to the Earth.
  • Teach others to have a respect for the Earth. My kids and I were discussing other ways to fuel a car. Yes, plant oils can be used to fuel a car, but if it takes more energy to produce that fuel, than what you get in return, it isn’t worth it.
  • Use recycled items wherever possible. I did find recycled trash bags the other day. I love that SendOutCards uses recycled paper for their cool greeting cards. I love that our local area has a composting center where I can drop off tree trimmings and pick up aged compost.


5 thoughts on “Happy Earth Day!

  1. I love your idea of making a card for Earth Day – it’s a great way to commit yourself, in writing and to the world!

  2. Today is absolutely the day to take a some time and think about our carbon footprint and what we can personally do to contribute to leaving less of it behind. My new activity for Earth Day today is to clean up as much littered trash as I can throughout my day and recycle them. I also agree on doing a little research when making purchases for one’s green lifestyle. It’s well worth the time and effort, much like living green. Great blog by the way. I will keep reading!

  3. I can’t take credit for the card idea, someone else started that. Passing on a fun idea.

    Welcome Richard! And thanks for your kind words, and you are welcome to visit anytime. I’ll have to check out your website, now if I can just keep the weeds out.

  4. Dear Heidi,

    Thanks so much for mentioning WE Magazine for Women and for all your support. Most importantly, thank you for all you do to make the world a better place. I love coming here and reading your words of wisdom.

    Happy Earth Day!

    Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher
    WE Magazine for Women

  5. I found your post through organicsyes and am very glad to read this post. I am going to maybe surprise here, but where I live – northern Italy – they have a great recycling effort. We separate plastics for packaging, paper, metal, compost, batteries…. I guess 70+% is recycled. Farther south in Naples they only recycle 10%, so that is one reason waste fills are overflowing. I am grateful to live somewhere that I can be a part of the effort (with really very little effort on my part) so that I can worry about other ways. I am going to take up you suggestion, with my children, and try to work out what one step more we can -written on a card to the earth. Thank you.

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